Attendance Information
The school places a great deal of emphasis on the benefits of attending school regularly and pupils are expected to attend school every day. Our whole school attendance target for 2024-25 is 95%
- If a pupil is ill, parents must inform the school by phoning the secretary on the first morning of their absence.
- The school secretary must be informed of hospital or dental appointments in advance so that the register can be marked appropriately.
- The school aims for every pupil to achieve a minimum of 95% attendance throughout the year.
- Where attendance falls below 90% parents will receive a letter from the school informing them that attendance needs to improve.
- Where attendance falls below 85%, parents will receive a letter from the school and will be referred to the Education Welfare and Wellbeing Officer.
- The Welfare and Wellbeing Officer checks registers on a regular basis to establish that children attend school regularly
- If a family holiday is planned during the school term the school must be informed using the Holiday Request Form beforehand and agreement received from the Headteacher. It must be emphasised that some work will be difficult to repeat on a child's return and therefore absences should be avoided if at all possible. A maximum of 10 days annually for holidays can be authorised by the Headteacher and Governor responsible for attendance. The Welsh Assembly states that holidays should be taken as blocks of 5 or 10 days and that school must not authorise holidays which are usually taken as odd days or regularly on Friday or Monday. It is unusual for holidays to be authorised if attendance is below 95% or if there is a regular pattern to absences.
- Punctuality is to be encouraged as it sets good standards for life and also because valuable teaching time can be lost if children are late for school. The bell for the beginning of the day rings at 08:55. Children are expected to be in school before the bell rings. The school day starts promptly at 09:00 with registration. The yard gates are locked at 09:00. Any child arriving at school after this time will need to go to the main office to sign the late book. Parents will be contacted if lessons are disrupted by their children’s lack of punctuality.
- Children are not permitted to leave the school premises on any occasion without the written permission of a parent and the agreement of the Headteacher. If a parent wishes to collect his or her child during school hours, the parent should inform the school in advance and report to the Headteacher so as not to disrupt lessons.