The children have been researching and applying their knowledge of the Romans to create their own PowerPoint presentations. Their work has covered topics such as Roman homes, soldiers, battles with Boudicca, impressive engineering, food, and mosaics. They have begun presenting their findings to the class.
Eisteddfod Home School Task
End of Term Showcase
What a fantastic term it has been!
The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the fascinating geographical features of Wales, France, and our local area. They have learned about human and physical geography, map reading, plotting features on maps, coding, directions and using and interpreting coordinates. They even created their own maps of Talbot Green.
The children have researched areas to visit and created detailed fact files, as well as comparing graphs on rainfall and temperature. They have explored topics such as rivers, mountains, population, and more, comparing features of Wales and France. They will share their findings with the pupils we have linked with in France. Additionally, they have created Adobe videos and posters showcasing their learning.
To view their creations, log in to HWB with your child’s details, go to Google for Education, and click on Adobe. Your child can also experiment with creating new projects at home!
Thank you for your continued support this term. Have a wonderful holiday!
Mrs Powell
Welcome to Dosbarth Caradog's class page where we will keep you updated on classroom activities, progress, and upcoming events. Please also follow our class Twitter/X page (linked below) where you will find photographs of the children at work and reminders throughout the year.
Dosbarth Caradog will be taught this year by Mrs. Powell
As a school we encourage open communication between staff and parents and we really value your insights and involvement in your child's education.
I am very much looking forward to working with both you and your children this year.
Weekly Timetable
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Whole School Assembly
Guided Reading
Topic/ Science | Whole School Assembly Book bags into school
PM Guided Reading
Topic |
Class Assembly
PM Guided Reading
Wellbeing Wednesday
Key Stage 2 Assembly
PM Guided Reading
Topic/ PE
Show & Tell |
Celebration Assembly
PM Guided Reading
Maths tests
Topic/ Computer work
Look at Our Wonderful Classroom!
Year 3 - Useful Learning Websites
Mathematics and Numeracy
Practise number bonds, times-tables, doubles and halves
Pick a skill you want to practise
Languages, Literacy and Communication
Ruth Miskin Parents’ Page (from the creator of Read, Write Inc.)
FREE eBook Library from Oxford Owl for Home
Pick a picture for some writing inspiration