Health and Wellbeing
Wellbeing at Tonysguboriau Information
Wellbeing at Tonysguboriau
A Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing
Below is some information for behaviour support, that you can access as parents, for help with neurodiverse children, or those with additional needs.
As part of our drive on improving children's mental and physical wellbeing, we are carrying out an audit of provision. This is being led by Mrs Powell who is our health and wellbeing lead, she also over sees Healthy school's which fits in well with this area of learning. We are currently looking at our provision not only for the children but for parents. We have asked our pupil voice groups to complete a questionnaire as well as staff and governors. We would like to gather parental feedback also. Please be as honest as possible as we will collate all the results to then decide what our four key areas will be for this current academic year. Mrs Powell together with the pupil voice groups will then create an action plan. If you are unsure of any of the questions please email Mrs Powell at Here is the link to the questionnaire. Questionnaire for parents
Thank you for your support.
The Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience (Area) provides a holistic structure for understanding health and well-being. The fundamental components of this Area are physical health and development, mental health, and emotional and social well-being. It will support learners to understand and appreciate how the different components of health and well-being are interconnected, and it recognises that good health and well-being are important to enable successful learning.